Saturday, June 23, 2007

Darfur. Afghanistan. Chad. Sudan.
So many places.
Too many places.
Bleak. Soul-killing. But now we don’t recoil.
People are tired. The horrified quota’s done.
People are tired Of being weary.
25 mill currently internally displaced. 1 bill more by 2050.
Persecution/ conflict/ run for your life
Add: Climate change/ salination/ rising sea levels/ desertification
Displaced. What a word. Rootless.
Wails, sighs, mind numbing gray.
“Enough already!” they say.
So these tired stories,
Drop off the front pages, tucked in some place.
Not too near that ad for a sale
Or that Wal-Mart story, Wall Street bonuses, all’s well.
People are tired.
So they limit.
The boat people, remember, hungry, wet and abandoned, on the high seas?
They’re going to build a wall, now, to keep people out, land that technically, historically speaking, all said and done, is theirs.
So many more.
Blessed are the meek, the abandoned, the despairing, take faith, for the heavens shall visit upon them.
Too much misery. Too much suffering. Much too much pain.
If there were something like a sympathy/empathy threshold. It has long gone.
Sigma pain is much too much.

An interesting change to observe.


Anonymous said...

It has been happening too often for us to be any longer sensitive. Maybe our consciousness has made a list of all the ways that we cud die, and all these causes seem quite realsitic for us to die, and hence are desensitised. Probably explains why we were so concerned about Sunita and prayed for her collectively...

Anonymous said...

Or is it because we search for a reason to live while we know that we already have some predestined reason to die???

mystic rose said...

you've captured it... the helplessness of it. the sheer immensity and thats what i meant by refusing to believe the whole world is ours. That it is as close as happening in our neighborhood, in our house. people, they are people, like you, like me, like us. going through something so painful and horrible. okay they dont have the resources like the Jews did to set up a cry, to have the infrastructure that cries wolf at every little slight. they are suffering quietly. Without even a thought of anything better happening to them. The tragedy of that. The tragedy of a starving mother watching her children starve to death. Of seeing a seven year old boy being taken off and taught to shoot and kill and rape. And they wont be helped, why? the west will not interfere in a country's internal struggle? that has never deterred any country before when the question was oil reesources or communism or some such.

IT IS too much. and the world's used to those pics now.. we dont even like to look, other than the money that goes in the envelope that hopefully will reach the right aid agency.

mystic rose said...

read Anderson Cooper's blog, if you can?

About Me

Moody Libran. Not very social, cant stand pfaff but you wouldnt know it; Would you care for a nice cup of tea, deah?